Excerpt 1
The halls were the least expensive. Every ten feet or so, locked, and gated doors, led to private chambers which held the bodies of the wealthy and those with bloodlines of nobility. But in the end, they were all equally dead and equally forgotten. Their walls once white had now yellowed with age and neglect. Each room held the secrets of family members buried beneath stone, covered with the remains of the night creatures that thrive in this environment. The distinction between the classes was self-evident, hallways for the less fortunate and private cavities for the elite. None of this mattered anymore.
Excerpt 2
Magnus continued to pry. “No offense, but why was your family sent to LODS in the first place?”
Quinn looked at the young man who stood before him. He was thirsty for answers. All young are, as it should be. Magnus was like a son to him. Quinn softened and smiled.
“The day came when a traveler came through and recognized my mother from her street days. Words were exchanged. In the end, my father cut out the man’s tongue.”
The vision of Quinn’s words staggered his audience as he continued to play with the fire.
The group sat motionless, and all conversation ceased until Quinn, once again, took control. “Let’s get some sleep.” And then he walked away.
Excerpt 3
Slowly, the blossoming of bodies eerily emerged from their environment. Some pulled away from the bark, where they had blended perfectly in shape and form. Others, leaf-like, hung from vines and branches, also in harmony with their surroundings. Like the trees and vines that surrounded them, they were a moving work of art which only nature in its rawest form could produce.
“It has been a long time.” Jonas reached out in words but did not touch the bark-man.